11 November 2008

The Need

A Need for strong people to pioneer here:
o Big sacrifice as high living cost and not just fun and games
o Developing leaders to step out is difficult
o High living cost with slow or lower results than the US or other places.
The need for well-established and purposeful people:
• The people don’t necessarily see themselves as in need so the goal is to help them see and latch on to the purpose of Christ that they need and are missing. Therefore we need a visual presence of purpose and the quality to back it up.
The need for the resourceful:
• Those that enjoy creating and making the best of a situation are welcome and appreciated here! The resources are limited and “grunt work” is highly respected here, so those who can come, create, and put their head down and push forward have a promising future here.
The Need for Instillers of Self-worth
• With the underlying current of cynicism and “tall poppy” syndrome often comes a deprivation of positive reinforcement and a lack of self-worth that is cyclically reaffirmed by the pressure not to think to highly of yourself. Ie. People will not admit they’re the best at something even if they obviously are. More than that, they probably don’t even believe they are the best a good percent of the time.