11 November 2008

A Look At The Culture

• Where the US encourages focusing on strengths and positivity, New Zealand is not as forefront. They are more skeptical of compliments and therefore don’t usually give and take as much as a general rule of thumb.
• This means that a Kiwi’s compliments or invitation to come to their house holds some weight and significance since this isn’t necessarily a common invite to newly formed acquaintances.
• Heirarchy- US-Austria-New Zealand- When I first arrived I heard it explained that all of the artists that want to go somewhere start to travel to Australia as they become more popular and seem to have finally made it when they sign in the U.K. or especially the USA. This in not always true, but seems to hold some weight.
• There is kiwi pride but not a lot of flags… you will probably see more All Blacks(NZ international Rugby team) flags than New Zealand flags. Patriotism is probably seen as too extreme or cheesy here and seen as more for the weird or radical here.
• People downplay things here –there seems to be a fear of failure and a fear of success and standing out... (Part of Tall Poppy Syndrome)
• In Phonetics they often end sentences on an up-tone (almost as a question of acceptance &/or humility)
• There is an idea that good pastors “don’t have much money.” Kiwis seem to be a little bit more weary of the “prosperity gospel” and financial blessing being abused. They don’t seem to offer their money up as willingly. The “no-tipping” syndrome accrues the idea that you have already earned your wages unless you deserve something extra for some reason.
• “Small Town Syndrome”- The idea that there is shift to bigger and better and to see the rest of the world to get out of the small towns. Hence OE’s(Overseas Experience) to bigger countries like US, UK. Australia, and some people moving away. The idea that there is bigger and better than where they are. Cities and the country face this mindset to an extent .
• World’s Fastest Indian quotes that give a little insight:
o The idea of “Don’t talk about it, just do it”
o Ingenuity- “Do it with less.” A pride in accomplishing with little.
o “Do it yourself”
• Average household income $38,000? Most are two income houses.
• (NZ) Tribal influence vs. Industrial (US) (fill in or includes sheets)
• Drinking on Monday night is kind like drinking before 10am
• More comfortable and common for the average resident in New Zealand to invite someone to the pub instead of out for coffee?

Brent's Pending Observations
• White or tan trend: Depending on what part of the states you are from, being tan seems to be the cool trend, where as here tan is good, but it seems there is more of a respect for white or natural beauty. This could be because of Eastern culture like China where the "workers/laborers" were tan while the established were more "pale" or it could just be because there is a whole in the O-zone layer of New Zealand and their well educated in skin cancer. :)
• New Zealand has a more cynical hint to its nature than the states, and would be naturally hesitant or skeptical of the US because of this
• I am not sure on this, but it has been suggested that it is not uncommon for plans to fall through with Kiwis? Maybe kiwis protect their time? or maybe they are always waiting for the best option...